The Feminist Majority is proud to announce today its endorsement of Maura Healey for Massachusetts Attorney General. Healey is an experienced leader in the fight for women’s rights, civil rights, human rights, health care access, education, and consumer protection.

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Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority said, “We enthusiastically endorse Maura Healey, a trailblazer for women’s rights, civil rights, and human rights, for Attorney General of Massachusetts. She has been an impressive advocate on many issues that advance equality for all women. Her early leadership to establish one of the first state buffer zone laws to protect women’s health clinics and abortion providers from violence is an example of her commitment to women’s health and well- being. Moreover her commitment to human rights can be seen in her historic leadership in writing the first major state challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act and developing the prevailing argument of the nation’s first state lawsuit striking down discrimination against same-sex marriage. Her fight to end predatory student loan practices of some for-profit colleges indicates her dedication to consumer protection.”
Healey has invaluable experience as a former prosecutor in the Attorney General’s office and has helped to lead the office for the past seven years. Healey has served in both the Public Protection & Advocacy Bureau and the Business & Labor Bureau. Between the two bureaus, she oversaw nearly a dozen divisions. She has built a professional operation which advocates on important issues including ones with national impact for women and civil rights. Earlier in her career, Maura served as Chief of the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Division after serving as a private sector attorney, and a Middlesex County prosecutor.
Maura Healy stated, “For more than a quarter-century, the Feminist Majority has stood tall for so many of the issues I hold dear, including fighting for women’s access to reproductive health care, equal rights, and fairness, and stamping out the root causes of violence in our homes and communities, so I’m thrilled to have their support,” said Healey. “The issues facing women, people of color, and the those who have been too long disempowered and in need an advocate, are many in this race and I’m so pleased the Feminist Majority sees that I will be an Attorney General who will bring the strongest advocacy, experienced leadership, and forward-thinking vision to the office.”