The Feminist Majority Political Action Committee strongly and enthusiastically reaffirms its endorsement of New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for appointment to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
In reviewing potential appointees, the board members of the Feminist Majority PAC believe that Congresswoman Maloney’s long and effective record in office of addressing women’s issues and concerns speaks for itself. In her more than 16 years of public service as a Member of Congress and in her 10 years of service as a New York City Councilwoman, Maloney has demonstrated a keen awareness and creativity for solving legislatively a myriad of problems faced by U.S. women and women worldwide. She is a prolific legislator who is an expert on financial, security, and economic issues, as well as women’s issues.
Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority, summarized the strong support for Maloney by stating, “Congresswoman Maloney is an unusually strong and effective fighter for women’s issues year in and year out. She has an extraordinary legislative record for women of her state, the nation, and the world as well as her constituents. She authors, champions, and passes critically needed legislation for women.”
In reviewing Maloney’s work, Smeal said, “Maloney has boundless energy and optimism. She introduced more legislation than any other member of the House of Representatives in the current two-year session. She also successfully has passed important legislation on a staggering range of issues from a Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights, annual mammograms for women on Medicare, expansion of the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Debbie Smith Act to process DNA evidence/rape kits to the funding of an Afghan Human Rights Commission. Time after time she asks the tough questions at hearings on issues ranging from the current financial crisis to the sexual assault of women in the military.”
Maloney’s recent book (Rumors of Our Progress Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: Why Women’s Lives Aren’t Getting Any Easier and How We Can Make Real Progress for Ourselves and Our Daughters) is a plan of action for women and shows her depth of knowledge of women’s issues and concerns. She advocates both short-term and long-term solutions for work/family balance issues, for closing the wage gap, comprehensive health care reform, and for advancing women in the economy and politics.
The Feminist Majority PAC feels strongly that Carolyn Maloney, an experienced fighter for women, is exactly what the still male-dominated Senate needs. With only 16 women out of 100 senators, the women of New York, the nation and the world need Carolyn Maloney’s determination, tenacity, creativity and keen legislative skills to address the countless issues facing women.