Gwen Graham is running in the 2018 election for Governor of Florida. Graham is the former Congresswoman from Florida’s 2nd district. Throughout her career, Graham has demonstrated a dedication to public education and women’s rights. Graham is facing many Democrats in a crowded primary on August 28. The general election on November 6 is likely to be a close race, and stakes are high because the winner of this election will be involved in the state’s redistricting process following the 2020 census.
Background and Achievements
Gwen Graham, the daughter of former Florida Senator and Governor, Bob Graham, has spent most of her career in the private sector working as an attorney. She later served as PTA president at her children’s school and worked for her local school district. In 2014, Graham was elected to represent Florida’s 2nd District in Congress when she decided to challenge a Tea Party congressman. She was one of only two Democrats in 2014 to defeat an incumbent Republican. In the House of Representatives, Graham demonstrated that she is a fierce advocate for women by fighting for Equal Pay, co-sponsoring legislation to renew the Equal Rights Amendment, and supporting women’s reproductive freedom.
Positions on Key Issues
- Supports the Equal Rights Amendment
- Believes in a woman’s reproductive rights and has vowed to veto any law that will compromise women’s reproductive freedoms
- Strongly supports public education
- Supports the DREAM Act
- Believes that healthcare is a human right
- Supports common sense gun control
Prospects & Opponents
Sitting Republican Governor Rick Scott is unable to seek a third due to term limits, leaving both the Republican and Democratic primary races wide open. Gwen Graham will face off against six Democratic candidates in the primary on August 28, all of whom are men. The winner of this crowded Democratic primary will face one of the thirteen Republican candidates in the general election on November 6. This race is rated by several outlets as a toss-up election.