Gretchen Driskell is again challenging right-wing Republican incumbent U.S. Representative Tim Walberg. Driskell is a former member of the Michigan House of Representatives. She first challenged Walberg in 2016. This time Driskell has been selected to be on the coveted Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s Red to Blue List. She also plans to target Walberg’s 2017 vote in favor of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. If the repeal effort had succeeded, millions of people would have lost health insurance coverage.
Background and Achievements
Driskell has had a career both in public service and business. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from Lynchburg College and a MBA degree from George Washington University, Driskell established a productive career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a commercial realtor and a community volunteer. She was elected to the City Council of Saline, Michigan in 1993 and then became Saline’s first female Mayor. She served as Mayor for 14 years, making her the longest serving Mayor of Saline. As Mayor she repeatedly had a balanced budget, and led Saline to be name one of the top 100 small cities in the U.S. three times, and focused on improving the local public schools. She also served on the boards of Michigan Municipal League and the National League of Cities. Driskell is also a former member of the Michigan House of Representatives.
Positions on Key Issues
- Strong supporter of women’s reproductive health and women’s equality
- Advocate for “efficient, commerce-friendly infrastructure
- Champion of public education and equality of opportunity, she will fight cuts to education funding
- Advocate for quality schools, parks, and housing;
- Champion for clean water, clean air, and renewable energy.
- Strong supporter of Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare
Prospects & Opponents
Although the 7th District has a slight edge for Republicans, the DCCC believes Driskell can defeat Walberg. She won her Democratic primary by over 7o percent on August 7.
- Feminist Majority
- National Women’s Political Caucus
- EMILY's List
- League of Conservation Voters
- United Auto Workers
- DCCC Red to Blue List