Incumbent Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney is running for re-election in New York’s 12th district. Maloney has represented the district since 1992 when she was first elected to Congress. Since then, she has led the fight to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and passed more than 70 laws covering a wide range of issues including women’s and LGBTQ+ rights, consumer protection, and health care access. Maloney won the NY primary against Suraj Patel with 58.8% of the votes. She will face Republican candidate Eliot Rabin and Green Party candidate Scott Hutchins in the general election. With the current administration’s tireless efforts against women’s rights, it is essential that we keep Maloney — our feminist champion – in Congress.
Background and Achievements
Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney grew up in Greensboro, North Carolina and attended Greensboro College. After graduation, Maloney moved to New York City and worked as a teacher in the public school systems and as an administrator for the New York City Board of Education. In 1977, she began her political career with the New York State Legislature, holding senior staff positions in the State Assembly and the State Senate. Maloney first ran for office in 1982 where she won a highly contested seat on the New York City Council, becoming the first woman to represent the City’s 7th Council district.
In 1992, she became the Representative of New York’s 12th district in Congress. Since then, Maloney has worked diligently to pass over 70 laws, even during Republican majorities. Some of her accomplishments include being the lead sponsor and author of the End Demand for Sex Trafficking Act, the Campus SaVE Act, the American Museum of Women’s History Congressional Commission bill, and the Debbie Smith Act which provides funds for the testing of rape kits. Maloney is also a lead sponsor for the pending Equal Rights Amendment reintroduction which would include women in the Constitution.
Maloney’s political diligence and success has been recognized by many. Several organizations have given her perfect ratings, including NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, the Human Rights Campaign, and the American Public Health Association.
Positions on Key Issues
- Fights for reproductive rights and gender equality, including the ratification of the ERA
- Supports ACA
- Advocates for LGBTQ+ Rights
- Supports gun safety bills
- Supports DACA and DREAMers
- Fights for consumer protection
Prospects & Opponents
Representative incumbent Carolyn Maloney won her primary against Suraj Patel with 58.8% of the votes. She will face Republican candidate Eliot Rabin and Green Party candidate Scott Hutchins in the general election. The district is listed as strongly democrat by the Cook Political Report and voted overwhelmingly for Hilary Clinton and President Obama in past presidential elections.
- Feminist Majority
- NARAL Pro-Choice America
- National Organization for Women - National - New York State - NYC
- National Women's Political Caucus
- Human Rights Campaign
- EMILY's List
- End Citizens United
- Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence
- New York City AFL-CIO