Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-07)

Ayanna Pressley is challenging incumbent Democrat Michael Capuano in the Massachusetts Democratic primary for the 7th congressional district. Pressley is a lifelong activist, public servant, and sexual assault survivor. If elected, she will be the first woman to represent the 7thdistrict, which is the most diverse district of Massachusetts.

Background and Achievements

Ayanna Pressley was born and raised in Chicago and later moved to the greater Boston area with her mother. She attended Boston University’s College of General Studies but had to leave school to work full-time at the Boston Marriott Copley Place to support her mother. She later returned to Boston University’s Metropolitan College to continue taking classes. After college, Pressley worked as a Senior Aide for Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II and later worked as Senator John Kerry’s Political Director. In 2009, she was elected as the first woman of color to serve on the Boston City Council. During her 8 years as Councilor, she helped establish the Committee on Healthy Women, Families, and Communities, developed comprehensive sexual education and health curriculums for the Boston Public Schools, and held the city’s first listening-only hearing in which 300 families impacted by homicide testified.

Pressley’s hard work and determination has been recognized by many. In 2016, she was listed as a New York Times’ 14 Young Democrats to Watch. She was also received the Rising Star Award from EMILY’s List in 2015 and was included in Boston Magazine’s 50 Most Powerful People list.

Positions on Key Issues

  • Supports Reproductive Rights and Health
  • Advocates for comprehensive sexual health education
  • Calls to repeal Hyde Amendment
  • Supports DACA and DREAMers
  • Advocates for universal health care
  • Supports common-sense gun laws
  • Supports Climate Change Health Promotion and Protection Act

Prospects & Opponents

Ayanna Pressley will face incumbent Democrat Michael Capuano in the Massachusetts primary. Capuano has represented the 7th district since 2013.


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