Amy Klobuchar is running for re-election in the Senate.
Background and Achievements
Senator Klobuchar was first elected to the Senate in 2006 and was the first woman Senator to represent Minnesota. During her tenure, Senator Klobuchar has gained national recognition. In 2008, she was named “Best in Congress” by Working Mother Magazine for her work on behalf of working families. The Washington Post called her a “rising star” and the American Prospect named her a “woman to watch.” She has gained a reputation as a serious legislator and women’s rights groups know that they can count on her as a strong leader for women’s rights issues.
- Former partner in two of Minnesota’s leading law firms
- Prosecutor for Hennepin County, which includes Minneapolis, 1998-2006
- Former President of the Minnesota County Attorneys Association
- Appointed Chair of the Senate Democratic Steering Committee in 2015
- The Ranking Member of the Senate Rules Committee
- Awarded by the Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) for her work to fight sexual assault in the military
- The Disabled American Veterans honored her work to improve the lives of America’s veterans
- Received the “Outstanding Member of the Senate Award” from the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition
Positions on Key Issues
- Strong supporter of women's reproductive rights
- 100% rating from NARAL Pro Choice America and Planned Parenthood
- One of two women on the Judiciary Committee, voted for the Supreme Court Appointments of Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor
- Defender of LGBT rights, opposed Constitutional Amendment defining marriage and supported the Employment Nondiscrimination Act prohibiting discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation
- Outspoken on pay equity issues and a cosponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act
- Supports comprehensive immigration reform
- Supports increasing the minimum wage and making college affordable for everyone
- Supports affordable health care
- Supports renewable energy and combating climate change
- Supports responding to the rise of the opioid crisis
- Supports improving police and community relations
Prospects & Opponents
According to MinnPost, a non-profit news outlet based in Minneapolis, Klobuchar is “an opponent that few people want to face.” She received a 72% approval rating in April of 2017 in a poll done by the Star Tribune, the largest newspaper in Minnesota. Three-term Republican state Representative, Jim Mewberger, is planning to run against Klobuchar. However, Klobuchar defeated her last two Republican opponents by double digits and has raised about $6 million in campaign funds, according to CBS Local News in Minnesota.