Senator Dianne Feinstein is the senior Senator from California and is running for re-election in 2018 for her 6th term.
Senator Feinstein leading recent polls by an average of 18% and is predicted to win her upcoming re-election.
Background and Achievements
Dianne Feinstein graduated from Stanford University in 1955 with a B.A. in History. In 1970, Feinstein was elected as the first woman president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. She assumed the role of Mayor in 1978 when Mayor George Moscone was assassinated, and went on to serve another two four-year terms. She was the first woman to serve as mayor of San Francisco. In 1992, during a special election, Feinstein was elected to serve as a U.S. Senator for the state of California, once again being the first woman to do so.
In the past 25 years, Senator Feinstein, a strong feminist, has proven herself to be a hardworking and progressive democratic leader who has won the respect of colleagues from both sides of the spectrum. She has authored legislation to prevent sex-trafficking and advance cybersecurity, created the nationwide used AMBER alert system, and has advocated for environmental reform and protection of natural resources. One of her most notable Senate accomplishments was leading the six-year review into the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. Her investigation would lead to the passage of legislation banning the use of torture in 2014. In continuing her trend of firsts, Senator Feinstein was the first woman member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the first woman to chair the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee, and the first woman to serve as ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. She is currently the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, senior member on Select Committee on Intelligence, senior member on Committee on Appropriations, and a senior member on the Committee on Rules and Administration.
Positions on Key Issues
- Champion of women's rights and reproductive rights
- Strong supporter of the Violence Against Women Act
- Strong supporter of LGBTQ rights and same-sex marriage
- Voted no against Trumpcare in all of its forms
- Pro-public education and making higher education more affordable and accessible
- Advocate against wage discrimination based on gender
- Supporter of Afghan women’s human rights
- Strong supporter of immigrant reform and the DREAM Act
- Pro-environment voting record
- Supports rehabilitative criminal justice reform
Prospects & Opponents
Senator Feinstein’s prospects are excellent. She won big in the Democratic primary on June 5.
- Feminist Majority
- EMILY's List
- California National Organization for Women
- Human Rights Campaign
- NARAL Pro-Choice America
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund
- Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence